Why business needs
to connect to the E-CARD

Connect to E-CARD now

E-CARD for business is profitable

Cut costs
Minimize the cost of printing plastic cards, magazines and catalogs.

Increase sales and increase average bill
Place in the application an unlimited number of promotions so that customers are aware of your special offers

Make your messages as effective as possible
Be sure that your customers will be up to date. For this, we created a backup message delivery method

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E-CARD for business is useful

Quick and easy card registration
Registering discount cards has never been easier

Get customer feedback
Use E-CARD.CLUB as a new way of communication with customers. Get reviews, comments, likes and polls

In step with shremen
Plastic cards are a thing of the past. Use modern technology to keep your customers’ attention

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E-CARD for business is safe

Preserving the traditions of the company
Your customer cards have the same design as their plastic counterparts. With ease, change the design of your clients’ cards in just a few minutes

Your client, your messages
Be sure that customers will receive messages only from those companies whose discount cards are available in their application

One card – one client. Terms chooses company
The partner company itself chooses the terms of use of the card. At will it can be not only cardholders but also their friends

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